Guide to the Renaissance


From sonnets to utopia, then to Federigo’s Falcon and Don quixote, we have gone through various literary concepts and techniques throughout this semester. In order to summarize our knowledge we have gained so far, a guide to the Renaissance is request that links as much as connections possible between different concepts and as well inlay with our creative writings in any form we prefer.

I decided to do a series of blog posts on Edublogs initially so that I can take my readers on a four-day-journey to explore the literary concepts during the Renaissance. However, I then realized that Edublogs arranges blog posts in such way that every entry in shown up with title and the text. What is shows us is that if a reader wants to visit a earlier post, the reader has to scroll all the way down interminably. A whim came up in my mind: what if I build a website on my own? By doing in this way, I believe that the texts would be arranged more effective for a journey and connections would be better along with the graphic designs. Though it still needs some improvement, I will work on my guide to the Renaissance with the best I can.

Working on the guide for two weeks, I hope that a coherent piece of work with all the elements connected effectively is produced at the end and as well make all the buttons functional. I also will include my short story and sonnet that demonstrates an engagement with the essential question.


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